# # Fichier .txt # title : Corpus AstroConcepts creator : Inist-CNRS contributor : de Salabert, Camille ; Dahdouh, Claude publisher : plateforme ISTEX description : Corpus thématique constitué de 54 sous-corpus correspondant chacun à un concept d'Astronomie-Astrophysique donné et contenant chacun de 10 à 11 documents en texte intégral sélectionnés manuellement dans la base ISTEX à partir d'une équation propre et en respectant un certain nombre de critères. Ces sous-corpus sont destinés à repérer, dans les documents qui le constituent, de nouveaux exemples de phraséologies introduisant des définitions et à aider à la construction de cascades de graphes pour l’outil Unitex-CasSys, avec comme objectif ultime de détecter des définitions de concepts scientifiques dans des textes spécialisés pour enrichir des travaux de terminologie. Leur mode de constitution est fondé sur le postulat d'une définition des concepts scientifiques dans la période où ils émergent. license : Licence Etalab, Licence ISTEX versionInfo : 1.0 creationDate : 2017-12-13 publicationDate : 2019-01-29 total : 543 documents (non dédoublonnés) citation : Institut de l'information scientifique et technique - UPS 76 (INIST-CNRS) (2019). Corpus AstroConcepts (Corpus de documents en Astrophysique issus d'ISTEX comportant un concept donné). ISTEX - data.istex.fr, https://astrophysique-collection.corpus.istex.fr/ark:/67375/RXQ-F47DNCQ5-S [liste des concepts] [listes des équations projetées sur ISTEX] # Accretion disks "Accretion disks" OR "accretion disk" OR "Accretion discs" OR "accretion disc" # Active galaxies "Active galaxies" OR "Active galaxy" # Antimatter Antimatter OR "Anti-matter" # Artificial guide stars "Artificial guide star" OR "Artificial guide stars" # Asteroseismology Astroseismology OR Asteroseismology OR "star seismology" OR "stars seismology" OR "seismology of star" OR "seismology of stars" OR Astrosismology OR Asterosismology OR "star sismology" OR "stars sismology" OR "sismology of star" OR "sismology of stars" # Astrochemistry Astrochemistry OR "Astro-chemistry" # Beta Canis Majoris stars "Beta Canis Majoris" OR "β Canis Majoris" OR "β CMa" # Beta Cephei stars "Beta Cephei" OR "β Cep" OR "β Cephei" # Beta Lyrae stars "Beta Lyrae stars" OR "β Lyr stars" OR "β Lyrae stars" OR "Beta Lyrae star" OR "β Lyr star" OR "β Lyrae star" OR "Beta Lyrae variables" OR "β Lyr variables" OR "β Lyrae variables" OR "Beta Lyrae variable" OR "β Lyr variable" OR "β Lyrae variable" OR "Beta Lyrae variations" OR "β Lyr variations" OR "β Lyrae variations" OR "Beta Lyrae variation" OR "β Lyr variation" OR "β Lyrae variation" OR "Beta Lyraes" OR "β Lyraes" # Big bang "Big bang" # BL Lacertae objects "BL Lac object" OR "BL Lacertae object" OR "BL Lac objects" OR "BL Lacertae objects" OR "BL Lac" OR "BL Lacertae" # Black hole "black hole" OR "black holes" # Blue stragglers "Blue stragglers" OR "Blue straggler" # Bok globules "Bok globules" OR "Bok globule" # Brane world "Brane world" # BY Draconis stars "BY Dra stars" OR "BY Dra star" OR "BY Dra variables" OR "BY Dra variable" OR "BY Dra variations" OR "BY Dra variation" OR "BY Draconis" # CNO cycle "CNO cycle" OR "CNO cycles" OR "carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle" OR "carbon nitrogen oxygen cycles" # Color excess "Color excess" OR "Color excesses" OR "Colour excess" OR "Colour excesses" # Dark energy "dark energy" # Dark matter "dark matter" # De Sitter metric "de Sitter metric" OR "metric on de Sitter space" OR "de Sitter's metric" OR "metric of de Sitter" OR "de Sitter geometry" OR "de Sitter's geometry" OR "geometry of de Sitter " OR "de Sitter vacuum" OR "de Sitter's vacuum" OR "de Sitter solution" OR "de Sitter's solution" OR "solution of de Sitter" # Forbush decrease "Forbush decrease" OR "Forbush decreases" OR "Forbush type decrease" OR "Forbush type decreases" OR "decrease of Forbush" OR "decreases of Forbush" OR "Forbush effect" OR "effect of Forbush" # FU Orionis stars "FU Orionis" OR "FU Ori" OR Fuors # Gravitational lenses "Gravitational lenses" OR "Gravitational lens" # Gravitational waves "Gravitational waves" OR "Gravitational wave" # Hawking effect "Hawking effect" # Helioseismology Helioseismology OR "Sun seismology" OR "seismology of the sun" OR Heliosismology OR "Sun sismology" OR "sismology of the sun" # Heliosphere Heliosphere OR "Helio-sphere" # Hertzsprung-Russell diagram Hertzsprung-Russell diagram OR "Russell Hertzsprung diagram"OR "HR diagram" # Interstellar reddening "Interstellar reddening" # Kaluza-Klein theory "Kaluza-Klein theory" OR "Klein Kaluza theory" OR "KK theory" # Kerr metric "Kerr metric" OR "Kerr's metric" OR "metric of Kerr" OR "metric on Kerr space" OR "Kerr geometry" OR "Kerr's geometry" OR "geometry of Kerr" OR "Kerr solution" OR "Kerr's solution" OR "solution of Kerr" # Landau fluctuations "Landau fluctuations" OR "Landau fluctuation" # Magnetic monopoles "Magnetic monopoles" OR "Magnetic monopole" OR "Magnetic mono poles" OR "Magnetic mono pole" # Neutrino oscillations "neutrino oscillations" OR "neutrino oscillation" # Nucleosynthesis Nucleosynthesis # P Cygni stars "P Cygni" OR "P Cyg" OR "34 Cyg" OR "34 Cygni" # Planetesimals Planetesimals OR Planetesimal # Post-newtonian approximation "Post-newtonian approximation" OR "Post-newtonian approximations" OR "Post-Newtonian expansion" OR "Post-Newtonian expansions" # Quasar Quasar OR "quasi-stellar object" OR "quasi-stellar objects" OR "quasistellar objects" OR "quasistellar object" # Radiation belts "Radiation belts" OR "Radiation belt" OR "Van Allen belt" OR "Van Allen belts" OR "Van Allen radiation belt" OR "Van Allen radiation belts" # Roche equipotentials "Roche equipotentials" OR "Roche equipotential" # Schwarzschild metric "Schwarzschild metric" OR "metric on Schwarzschild space" OR "Schwarzschild's metric" OR "metric of Schwarzschild" OR "Schwarzschild geometry" OR "Schwarzschild's geometry" OR "geometry of Schwarzschild" OR "Schwarzschild vacuum" OR "Schwarzschild's vacuum" OR "Schwarzschild solution" OR "Schwarzschild's solution" OR "solution of Schwarzschild" # Seyfert galaxies "Seyfert galaxies" OR "Seyfert galaxy" # Solar active regions "Solar active regions" OR "Solar active region" # Solar granulation "Solar granulation" OR "sun granulation" # Solar prominences "Solar prominences" OR "Solar prominence" OR "sun prominences" OR "sun prominence" OR "sun's prominences" OR "sun's prominence" # Space debris "Space debris" OR "space junk" OR "space trash" OR "space litter" OR "space garbage" OR "space waste" OR "space garbages" OR "space wastes" OR "spatial debris" OR "spatial junk" OR "spatial trash" OR "spatial litter" OR "spatial garbage" OR "spatial waste" OR "spatial garbages" OR "spatial wastes" # String theory "string theory" OR "theory of strings" # Supergravity Supergravity OR "super-gravity" # Superstrings superstrings OR "super strings" OR superstring OR "super string" # Supersymmetry Supersymmetry OR "super-symmetry" # Tachyons Tachyons OR tachyon # Wolf-Rayet stars "WR stars" OR "WR star" OR "WR variables" OR "WR variable" OR "WR variations" OR "WR variation" OR "Wolf-Rayet"